Decode and conquer
Decode and conquer

decode and conquer

And for the exports, take a look at the Brainfuck (and variants)!ĭCode and its scripts are based on programming, its techniques, methods, and so there are a lot of tools for geeks. Everything is based on the binary and its derivatives: BCD or the Gray code.


Check all math tools! Informatics ToolsĭCode manages algorithms and informatics standards like ASCII, the Base 64, the MD5 password encryption or the Unicode standard. There are even practical tools like the number in letters converter.ĭCode, its tools, its codes would be nothing without mathematics and its number theories and especially arithmetic.

decode and conquer

The tools are made to be simple ranging from the GCD to the base-N converter through the combinations (k among n) generator, the probabilities, or the calculation of irreducible fractions. See all codes' tools!ĭCode make homeworks! Need an equation solver, make boolean calculations, compute prime numbers decomposition or need a cryptarithm solver? On dCode, it's automatic. Ideal for treasure hunts or geocaches.ĭCode can decode or encode messages with various symbols to replace our usual latin alphabet. It can also generate barcodes or QR-Code.

decode and conquer

Check all crypto tools! Codes and alphabets ToolsĭCode can speak hundreds of languages and lots of codes like Morse code, the A=1,Z=26 code, but also 1337 (Leet Speak) or the Braille alphabet. With its cipher identifier (that recognizes automatically more than 200 ciphers), Caesar cipher, Vigenere cipher, Polybius square, and dozens of other encryptions are quickly decrypted.ĭCode has a huge library of scripts for decoding or encoding messages with standard cryptography techniques. See letters games tools!ĭCode, as the name implies, automatically decodes a large variety of encryptions. Ideal for finishing crosswords, cheating at longest word finder, or having fun with the anagram generator! For more criteria, check the generic word search, or list of words beginning with some letters (or ending with others) or, more effectively, advanced words search by regular expression.ĭCode provides tools to search for words in many dictionaries, guaranteeing help (cheat?) in all word games. Word Game SolversĭCode offers tools to search/find words, for all word games and be sure to win, as with the Scrabble solver or Wordle. is a collection of over 800 tools to help solve games, riddles, ciphers, mathematics, puzzles, etc.

Decode and conquer