Blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference
Blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference

Note that you can see the list of materials in the materials panel, which is on the right, and which can be activated by clicking the little image of a ball divided into quadrants. If the default cube is there, delete it, or right-click to select it and use g-x to move it to one side (we will need a primitive later). Import the figure obj you exported into Blender. You can paint at base resolution or subdivided, it doesn't really matter (but subdivided may provide a smoother surface). It's important to check this because by default it may be set to "Base Genesis 2" when you want to paint to "Victoria 5." You can do this in the Surfaces tab. Set the figure's UV to the one you want to paint on before export. When you've figured out what goes where, we're ready to proceed. With G1 and G2 our main interest is the three UVs that constitute the torso area, the limbs, and the face.

blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference

With Genesis 2, for example, the Hips, Torso, Nipple, Neck and Head materials are on one UV, the Shoulders, Arms, Forearm, and Hand are on another, etc.

blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference

You need to look at the figure in DS (or wherever you want to use it) and determine what material goes with what UV. In this case I will assume you are using a figure such as Genesis 1 or Genesis 2, but it will work with any figure you can import to Blender as an. It is one of few 3d programs of which this is true, and almost none have Blender's powerful feature set.


Remember, with Blender you can install as many parallel versions as you want for free, so you can always add rather than replace.īlender is free for download here and can be freely used in commercial work. I've been told it works as early as 2.67. Texture painting in Blender takes a couple of small extra steps compared to doing it in (for instance) 3dCoat, but it is now a powerful and flexible functionality. This is more for content creators than the casual user, but if you're interested in getting into our market but can't afford 3dCoat, Zbrush, or other more expensive painting apps, this is absolutely for you.īlender has been able to do texture painting for a long time, but initially it was only with generated textures or plain color painting, and for some while it could not paint across the seams of multiple UVs on one object, making it useless for character painting of DAZ figures. NumbersCopy = numbers.I just found out this was possible, so I did some quick proof-of-concept work and am now prepared to share it. I almost feel bad using reduce to clone an array, because it’s so much more powerful than that. Note: This also assigns objects/arrays by reference instead of by value. NumbersCopy = numbers.filter(() => true) Įvery element passes the test, so it gets returned. If your filter's predicate always returns true, however, you get a duplicate! numbers = The input array length was 3, but the resulting length is 1. What if you’re filtering for even numbers?. This function returns an array, just like map, but it’s not guaranteed to be the same length. It returns whatever parameter it’s been given. If you’d like to be a bit more mathematical, (x) => x is called identity. To duplicate an array, just return the element in your map call. True, this article’s about cloning arrays.

blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference

Pure or impure, declarative or imperative, it gets the job done! numbers = I imagine this approach is the least popular, given how trendy functional programming’s become in our circles.

blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference

They've both been changed because they share references Array/object values are copied by reference instead of by value. Note: This doesn’t safely copy multi-dimensional arrays. It’s a brief syntax and you’ll find it incredibly useful when using libraries like React and Redux. Spread Operator (Shallow copy)Įver since ES6 dropped, this has been the most popular method. I’ve written on 10 Ways to Write pipe/compose in JavaScript, and now we’re doing arrays.

Blacksmith3d use a map as a clone reference